Your plan order.

Apr 13, 2021

After you have successfully created a plan and successfully paid for your order Lefoka will be contacting you soon about your order.

Website plan

If you have ordered a website plan, Lefoka system will automatically create a staging site for your website, the unique link you will be provided will be the location where your website will be built and as soon as it is ready Lefoka will be moving it to your website.

Building a website or web application may take anywhere between 4 days to a month.

All website plans have unique link, this is to ensure that only the people you share the link with will see the website.


If you have ordered a maintenance plan, Lefoka immediately begins with your website maintenance.

Lefoka currently offers a maintenance plan for the following technologies:

Not sure what technologies your website or web application is built with, chat to us

Lefoka urges all its clients to chat to us before ordering a maintenance plan for their website(s)

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